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Principal's Message

A New York Times article this summer said “One year of bad grades can change the life trajectory of a high school student. Just as important, a failing grade means the student did not master the course content and will likely struggle for coming years without a lot of extra support.”
Rio Cazadero High School is here to help students who need a personalized and flexible educational option. The impact of COVID-19 and other recent issues have impacted students and families even more severely than usual, and it is important to provide timely intervention to help.
Rio Cazadero High School can provide students and families with an alternative program to help those who have fallen behind or who need that extra support.
Why now?
Sooner is better. Some students became disengaged and discouraged over the course of the pandemic. They may benefit with a significant change and opportunity to re-connect in a school setting that can be customized to meet the unique needs of the student. It’s what we do!
Advantages of Rio Cazadero High School:
  • A Personalized Approach
    Our school is smaller than most traditional schools, which means that students are able to receive more personalized support and instruction. Our classes are smaller as well, enabling students to work closely with teachers, counselors and administration to monitor progress throughout the term. They participate in quarterly progress reviews and schedules are revised each term to ensure students are in appropriate classes and get back on track as quickly as possible.
  • Flexible master schedule
    Rio Cazadero High School has a flexible master schedule which enables us to ensure that students can start or complete graduation requirements throughout the school year.
  • Classroom-based instruction
    Many of the students who were challenged by the virtual learning format benefit from in-person instruction offered on a more personalized scale.
  • Revised schedule
    In order to better meet the needs of students who need accelerated opportunities for learning and earning credit, Rio Cazadero High School developed a schedule to provide additional time and support for courses.
  • Graduation Options
    Rio Cazadero High School students earn a regular Elk Grove Unified School District High School Diploma. Students who are not too far behind may also have the option of returning to their home school to complete coursework and graduate. We will work with the sending school to coordinate the return of students in that situation and we’ve adjusted our program to more closely align offerings with those of the comprehensive schools.
  • Enhanced CTE
    Rio Cazadero High School offers robust Career Technical Education programs to increase student readiness beyond high school and reinforce academic learning.
  • Support For All Student needs
    Rio Cazadero High School recognizes that many things have an impact on students and their eventual success. We provide a comprehensive level of support with school and community resources to help students and families. Our counselors work with the Project Success program implementer and other staff to ensure that students receive help and support.
Other Information
  • The program at Rio Cazadero High School is primarily for 11th and 12th grade students. 10th grade students who are 16 may also be referred.
  • One of the most common indicators is the student who is in 11th grade and has still not passed MATH 1. That is not absolute, but it becomes increasingly difficult to develop an effective graduation plan at the comprehensive high schools for the student after that point.
  • Rio Cazadero High School will accept 5th year seniors coming from within EGUSD. When they enroll with us, they will graduate as soon as they complete their remaining requirements.
Please contact us if you have any other questions or thoughts.